Paying attention to the spiritual, theological, and devotional life - in the ordinary events of eve

Paying attention to the spiritual, theological, and devotional life - in the ordinary events of eve

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Cosmic Christ

There are a few clear biblical references to ‘another presence’ with God, before the world began. In Genesis 1:26 “God said, "And now we will make human beings…” Proverbs 8 (24 & 30), in reference to Wisdom, says “I was made in the very beginning, at the first, before the world began. I was there when he laid the earth's foundations. I was beside him like an architect, I was his daily source of joy, always happy in his presence.” John wrote, “In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.“ (1:1-3). We call this ‘other presence’ the Cosmic Christ. Jesus is the Saviour, present in time, space and place, sent by God at the right time, to die for all humankind. Christ is not his surname! Christ is the eternal presence with God before time itself began. Jesus Christ is one and the same, just the first part of his name meaning the here and now personal Saviour, and the second part of his name meaning the eternal, universal one chosen by God for all people everywhere. Ephesians and Colossians love the Cosmic Christ - “This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head” (Ephesians1:10), and “For through him God created everything in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the whole universe through him and for him. Christ existed before all things, and in union with him all things have their proper place (Colossians 1:16,17). All too often our focus is zeroed on Jesus. We personalize him, and make him and what he did solely ours. It’s us here and the infidels (actually anyone different to us) out there. We forget Jesus is also the Christ, the Cosmic Christ, the one who holds all things everywhere together, every human race, all of creation, throughout all the ages. Our story is part of a much bigger glorious story. The Christ is not just for us; he is for everything and everyone, and so are we.

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